I didn't expect to love this story as much as I did. But Sebastian's vision was so simple yet so perfect. Quite possibly my favorite project to date, this film was an exploration of queer identity not only for the characters but for myself. Home is Where the Heart Is was the first project and perhaps only where I was able to bring my experience as queer person to the table. I was able to explore how to create and develop a queer film and adore the product.
Starting with the scooters! Originally roller skates, the scooters were more reminiscent of 90s/early-00s childhood. This first choice changed the look and film of the film, solidifying the themes nostalgia and coping. We built our world from there, exploring what depression and greif looks like for this these characters. Though these ideas are surface level to the story, the idea that characters struggle with mental health is something that drew me to the project but also played a huge part in the design.
Screen Grabs

Look Book

Project Details

Directed, Edited and Colored by Sebastian Haid
Produced by Zoe Gherman
Cinemtography by Akhil Dev